Deed: Priscilla Thomas to William Moulden (1847)


Deed: Priscilla Thomas to William Moulden (1847)


Record of the deed for the roughly three acre property that William Moulden purchased from Priscilla Thomas on October 4, 1847. The Moulden family lived on this property until Mary Moulden, William and Julia's last living daughter, died in 1898. After her death, the property was passed to the Augustinian College of Villanova, per William Moulden's Will.


H.E.M. Keever


Montgomery County, PA, Deed Book 102, Pages 227-229.


October 4, 1847 and recorded on April 25, 1856


Images from Family Search.
Deed books are located at the Historical Society of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.






This Indenture made the fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven, between Priscilla Thomas of the city of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania of the first part, and William John Mouldin [sic] of the township of Radnor in the County of Delaware and the State of Pennsylvania aforesaid of the second part witnesseth that the said Priscilla Thomas for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars lawful money of the United States of America unto her well and truly paid by the said William John Moulden, at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien enfeoff release convey and confirm unto the said William John Moulden his heirs and assigns all that certain lot piece or parcel of land situated lying and being in the township of Lower Merion in the County of Montgomery and State of Pennsylvania aforesaid. Bounded and distinguished as follows, viz, Beginning at a stake in the middle of the Philadelphia and Columbia Rail Road in a line of Dr. James Jenkins land thence along the middle of said Rail Road north fifteen minutes East thirty four perches, and four tenths to the middle of the Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike road thence along the middle of said turnpike road South fifty four degrees and a half East twenty seven perches and six tenths to a corner of land late of Jacob Balm now of Doctor James Jenkins, thence by the said land south fifty degrees twenty minutes west twenty eight perches and nine tenths to the place of beginning Containing two acres and sixty four square perches of land (be the same more or less) It being the same premises which Daniel Mynich and Ann (his wife by indenture under their hand) and seals duly executed bearing date the twenty third day of August Anno Domini 1845 for the consideration therein mentioned granted and confirmed to the said Priscilla Thomas and William B. Thomas trustee etc. in fee as in by the said recited Indenture Records in the Recorders Office at Norristown in Deed book No 68 page 291 etc. as in and by the said recited Indentures appears, and the said William B. Thomas Trustee etc. as aforesaid by Indenture dated the 19th day of May AD 1846 for the consideration therein of mentioned granted and conveyed the undivided moiety of the same unto the said Priscilla Thomas in fee as in and by the said recited Indenture recorded in the office aforesaid in Deed book No. 68 page 262 etc. relation being thereunto had fully and at large appears together with all and singular the Improvements ways waters water courses rights liberties hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversions and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all the estate right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of her in the said Priscilla Thomas in law equity or otherwise howsoever of in and to the same and every part and parcel thereof to have and to hold the said lot piece or parcel of two acres and sixty four square perches of land hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said William John Moulden his heirs and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of the said William John Moulden his heirs and assigns forever and the said Priscilla Thomas for herself her heirs Executors and Administrators Doth by these presents covenant grant and agree to and with the said William John Moulden his heirs and assigns that she the said Priscilla Thomas and her heirs all and singular the hereditaments and premises herein above described and granted or mentioned and intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said William John Moulden hi heirs and assigned against her the said Priscilla Thomas and her heirs and against all and every other person or persons whomseoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part there of shall and will warrant and forever defend, in witness whereof the said parties to these presents have herein to interchangeably set their hands and seals dates the day and year above first written. Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
A. Earl Keever
Charles Kugler

Priscilla Thomas.

Received the day of the date of the above indenture of the above named William John Moulden the sum of three hundred dollars the full consideration money for the above granted premises

Witnesses: Charles Kugler, A.E.M. Keeves

Signed: Priscilla Thomas

The fourth day of October Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty seven Before me the subscriber at Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Montgomery came the above named Priscilla Thomas and acknowledged the above indenture to be her act and deed and devised the same might be recorded as such, witness my hand and seal the date aforesaid. Recorded April 25th 1856

H. E. M. Keever



H.E.M. Keever, “Deed: Priscilla Thomas to William Moulden (1847),” The Rooted Project , accessed July 27, 2024,

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