Letter, Bernard Fearis to John Rudolph (1807)


Letter, Bernard Fearis to John Rudolph (1807)


In Bernard Fearis's letter to John Rudolph on September 2, 1807, Fearis inquires about Rudolph's health, after contracting influenza. Fearis also shares with Rudolph that there are concerns that Rudolph's signature has changed.

The letter was delivered by Rudolph's "boy."


Bernard Fearis


American Catholic Historical Society's Lloyd Family Papers




Digitally available through Villanova University Digital Libray. Owned by the American Catholic Historical Society and maintained by the Catholic Historical Research Center of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.






Philadelphia, 2nd September 1807

Your Boy has just now handed me your note of yesterday, wherein you complain heavily of the Influenza—If it had singled you out & left your Neighbors untouched, you might be allowed to complain, & I should most heartily condole with you, but I cannot admit that you complain of a visit from so universal a visitor; a visitor that neglect neither Rich nor Poor, Old nor Young, Male nor Female, —

You must take a plentiful sweat, to break & destroy your fever & then take plenty of Flaxseed tea & plenty of Molasses, & your visitor will soon leave you. I shall pay your note for $80 when presented; & shall also my Mr. Bernhard his demand. I have given your Boy $100 agreeable to your desire. Last night a Gentleman called on me with a note of Joel Gibs in your favor & endorsed by you for 375 dated the 31 […] 60 days. He had seen your signature before & thinks of your endorsement to be different. I think the same. He begs the favor of you to inform me by line, by return of the stage […] whether you did or did not, make any such endorsement for J G on the 31 [… same symbol as above]. In the Interim, I wish you a speedy & happy delivery from your troublesome visitor,

I am yours sincerely,
Bernard Fearis

I believe it is a year since you got Jno [Jonothan] Curtis’s Bond. I am afraid he will take the advantage of you, if you put it in his power.



Bernard Fearis, “Letter, Bernard Fearis to John Rudolph (1807),” The Rooted Project , accessed July 27, 2024, https://rootedproject.org/items/show/30.

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