Report: Villanova's Participation in an Affirmative Action Program in Purchasing


Report: Villanova's Participation in an Affirmative Action Program in Purchasing


In August 1969, President of Villanova, Rev. Robert J. Welsh, O.S.A., formed a committee to study the potential of Villanova adopting a policy of affirmative action in purchasing. The committee consisted of William Maher, Rev. James Ryan, O.S.A., and Cecilia Smith, a Villanova student. Throughout August—September 1969, the committee met and discussed various options for the univerity. At this time, two popular plans were considered: The Philadelphia Plan, and Project Equality. This report discusses the various advantages and disadvantages of both plans.

While the Philadelphia Plan had partially been adopted by the federal government it had received some negative attention from the public and was attracting judicial challenges throughout the country.

Project Equality was considered by the committee to have more advantages than disadvanatges, including a large participation from both Protestant and Catholic churches as well as from Fairfield University - a Catholic university similar to Villanova. A national organization, Project Equality was also consider advantageous given its ability to "assist in promotion and evaluation of purveyors, and follow-up efforts to insure equal opportunity employment."

The committee recommended the participation of Villanova with Project Equality and suggested a timetable for implementation of these efforts.


Committee Members: Miss Cecilia Smith, Mr. William Maher, Rev. James Ryan, O.S.A.








VUA-2/28 "Reports/Affirmative Action Program in Purchasing, 1969," box 04, folder 02


Committee Members: Miss Cecilia Smith, Mr. William Maher, Rev. James Ryan, O.S.A., “Report: Villanova's Participation in an Affirmative Action Program in Purchasing,” The Rooted Project , accessed July 27, 2024,

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